
Power BI Project: Customer Complaints Case

Problem Statement

We have a table of consuer complaints data, and let’s find an insight from it. Which service(s) is receiving complaints the most? I am going to investigate on this, and make a plan to reduce those complaints.

Data sources

Power Query View

Since this is a flat table, will be separated into two tables.

Model View


Key takeaways

  • Which communication tool is used for submitting complaints? - Over 60% of complaints are made via Internet. It might be ease customers if we improve usability of our complaint form on the Internet.
  • Are customers satisfied with our complaint handling? - Over 90% of customers advised our respoinse are made in timely manner.
  • Complaints about mortgate, bank account, and credit card are communicated by Referral while other services are mostly received via Internet.
  • Although we see a negative spike in the specific month, I intentionally ignore it and see as smooth mean line.

Average Complaints Amount per Month-Year